Sunday, June 8, 2014

Implanted ID MICROCHIPS under human skin – Should or shouldn’t?

If before this, a newly-proposed smart card that contains a microchip is being introduced to the world whereby it allow the user to record his bank account, and then debit and credit this bank account as he buys and sells. However, if this smart card gets lost, anyone who finds it could empty out this bank account. So it has been reported from various sources that the money of the future is to be a MICROCHIP underneath the SKIN — so it could not be lost!

Years ago, if anyone would speak about having a microchip inserted underneath the skin, people could not even be imagined how such a ridiculous idea like that could ever happen. But today, such technology does it exist, and it is being perfected from time to time.

The VeriChip (ID Microchip) is the first radio-frequency identification (RFID) microchip that’s been approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in humans. The chip is the size of a long grain of rice, and can be implanted pretty much anywhere in the body (most commonly along the tricep). (

Depending on how it’s used, the chip could do anything from telling doctors your medical background to buying you a round at the club. Most proposed applications for in-body RFID are medical in nature which providing doctors immediately with a patient’s medical records, or identification if they are unconscious or unable to communicate. Not only that, there is a nightclub in Barcelona called Baja Beach has used the chip implantation for business purpose. They started offering chip implants to its customers, giving them access to VIP lounges and letting clubbers buy drinks by acting as a debit account. Who wants to carry a wallet or purse when the dress-code is board shorts and bikinis? Baja Beach contracted none other than VeriChip Corp. to fashion their subcutaneous membership cards.

Outside of human bodies, RFID is already used for a wide range of purposes. If you pay highway tolls electronically, that little box in your car has an RFID tag in it. Lots of folks implant their pets with RFID chips in case they get lost, as animal shelters increasingly scan pets for them. There is a high possibility the lost pets will come back home with the presence of ID microchips that being implanted under their skin.

However, implanted ID Microchip under human skin has both positive and negative impact.  People who are favor this ID Chipping will look more on the benefit of it and people who are against this idea will consider all the negative impact that might arise. (

Those who favor using implanted chipping for ID purposes present the following arguments:
§  It would benefit the caregivers of the elderly, especially those who suffer from Alzheimer’s or dementia, since it would make it easier for them to be located if they wandered off. In this case, it would mean that they could be returned to the safety of their home.
§  It would be a way of locating missing children. This could be an invaluable resource if the child was abducted and not just off playing.
§ It would be valuable in the event that a child suffering from an abnormality (such as autism) could be quickly located if they became lost or if they needed to receive medical treatment.
  • The chip can be used to readily access medical information — any pertinent health information that might be needed by emergency personnel.
  • The chip can be used for identification purposes, making going through security checkpoints easier.

Those who are against implanted chips into humans for any purpose present these arguments:
§  First and seemingly at the forefront of their argument are privacy issues. They cite that their paramount concern is that the government is already in a position of unwarranted control into the lives of its citizens and that chipping would allow them the ability to track us no matter where we went.
§  This goes hand in hand with religious concerns that the embedding of identification chips could be a prelude to what is referred to in the Bible as the Mark of the Beast. This is a numerical digit that would be placed on a person’s hand or forehead and then scanned whenever something is sold or purchased.
§  Medically, they cite concerns that, for those with auto immune type diseases, the embedding of a chip could lead to infection - the potential risks to health associated with the device are: adverse tissue reaction; migration of implanted transponder; failure of implanted transponder; failure of inserter;
§  Additionally, critics point out that if the person is issued a bracelet with an RFID chip — rather than having one embedded in the skin — they are then allowed the freedom to choose whether they wish to wear the bracelet or not.

However, in the long run there is really only one real issue and that is how you feel about having an ID chip put under your skin. Do you believe that it will really interfere with your constitutional right to privacy? Do you have a religious conviction about having one implanted in your body? Do you think that having medical information available in the event of an accident is important? Each of us has to decide the answers to the above questions for ourselves.

So, SHOULD or SHOULDN't the ID microchip is being implanted under human skin??? The answer is no matter which side of the issue you are on, whether you are for or against chips being embedded under your skin, I believe you should be allowed the freedom of choice for yourself and for those in your care. I also believe that there are rational opinions on both sides of the issue and that we should all respect and support the choices of others in the matter.

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