Sunday, June 1, 2014

BOMBASTIC TECHNOLOGY - that change the world!

We have seen  great leaps in digital technology in past the past five years. Smartphones, cloud computing, multi-touch tablets, these are all innovations that revolutionized the way we live and work. However, believe it or not, we are just getting started. Technology will get even better.

Today’s post is about the superb real-life product that is set to revolutionize the world as we know it. Get ready to control the desktop and slice Ninja fruits with your eyes. Get ready to print your own creative physical product. Get ready to dive into the virtual world, and interact with them. This is some of examples that the innovative product might do to all of us.(

Augmented reality has already gotten into our life in the forms of simulated experiment and education app, but Google is taking it several steps higher with Google Glass. Theoretically, with Google Glass, you are able to view social media feeds, text, Google Maps, as well as navigate with GPS and take photos. You will also get the latest updates while you are on the ground. It also will help the deaf people to get information that they need based on what they see using the Google Glass.

2) FORM 1 - 3D printing technology
Just as the term suggests, 3D printing is the technology that could forge your digital design into a solid real-life product. It’s nothing new for the advanced mechanical industry, but a personal 3D printer is definitely a revolutionary idea. Everybody can create their own physical product based on their custom design, and no approval needed from any giant manufacturer.Imagine a future where every individual professional has the capability to mass produce their own creative physical products without limitation. This is the future where personal productivity and creativity are maximized.

3) LEAP MOTION - finger movement technology
Multi-touch desktop is a (miserably) failed product due to the fact that hands could get very tired with prolonged use, but Leap Motion wants to challenge this dark area again with a more advanced idea. It lets you control the desktop with fingers, but without touching the screen. It’s not your typical motion sensor, as Leap Motion allows you to scroll the web page, zoom in the map and photos, sign documents and even play a first person shooter game with only hand and finger movements.

4) EYE TRIBE - eye tracking technology
Eye tracking has been actively discussed by technology enthusiasts throughout these years, but it’s really challenging to implement. But Eye Tribe actually did this. They successfully created the technology to allow you to control your tablet, play flight simulator, and even slice fruits in Fruit Ninja only with your eye movements. It’s basically taking the common eye-tracking technology and combining it with a front-facing camera plus some serious computer-vision algorithm, and voila, fruit slicing done with the eyes. Disabled people without hand also have the chances to play a game with the presence of eye tribe technology.

5) GOOGLE DRIVERLESS CAR - self-driving car
If you could remember the iRobot as a teen, and being wondering that one day, the driverless car will become reality. And it’s now a reality, made possible by… a search engine company, Google.

While the data source is still a secret recipe, the Google driverless car is powered by artificial intelligence that utilizes the input from the video cameras inside the car, a sensor on the vehicle’s top, and some radar and position sensors attached to different positions of the car. Sounds like a lot of effort to mimic the human intelligence in a car, but so far the system has successfully driven 1609 kilometres without human commands!

6) SMART THINGS - security system
The current problem that most devices have is that they function as a standalone being, and it require effort for tech competitors to actually partner with each other and build products that can truly connect with each other. SmartThings is here to make your every device, digital or non-digital, connect together and benefit you.

With SmartThings you can get your smoke alarms, humidity, pressure and vibration sensors to detect changes in your house and alert you through your smartphone! Imagine the possibilities with this. You could track who’s been inside your house, turn on the lights while you’re entering a room, shut windows and doors when you leave the house. Definitely, this technology can increase your security system in your house.

7) MIT FINGER READER - reads printed text aloud
Braille helps visually impaired people read, but there is a lot of printed material that is never converted to that writing system. Blind people also miss out on using mobile devices because obviously they can’t feel the text on screen. MIT’s Fluid Interfaces Group attempted to address this issue with its FingerReader prototype.

FingerReader is a ring that reads printed text out loud using a small camera and complementary software that analyzes text and reads it aloud. The ring also has vibration motors that are used to guide the wearer. The ring vibrates when the user veers off the line being scanned or when the user has reached the end of the line. FingerReader can also be used to translate text, making it doubly useful.

Now, are you realized that how technology can change the world? However, be careful and use technology wisely because every single thing in the world has their advantage and disadvantage. KEEP SMILING and STAY POSITIVE everyday...See you at my next post!!!

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